Gallipoli Campaign 1915

Horses picketed on the beach road made between Cape Helles and Gully Ravine (©Imperial War Museum: Q 13309)
The Gallipoli Campaign (25 April–20 December 1915)
Total casualties: Turks: 56,643 killed, 107,007 wounded; Allies: 56,707 killed, 123,598 wounded. British casualties: 34,073 killed (60.08%of the Allies killed), 78,520 wounded (63.52% of the Allies wounded); French casualties: 9,798 killed (17.27%), 17,371 wounded (14.05%); Australian casualties: 8,709 killed (15.35%), 19.441 wounded (15.72%); New Zealand casualties: 2,721 killed (4.79%), 4,752 wounded (3.84%); Indian casualties: 1,358 killed (2.39%), 3,421 wounded (2.76%); Newfoundland casualties: 49 killed (0.08%), 93 wounded (0.07%).
“After dinner we attended a memorial service for our men who had fallen in the War, in chapel. The service was taken by Brightman & was based by him on the Elizabethan ‘Dirge’.” He read out first the names – they included a new one, that of young Romanes, alas! his mother thus loses her second son, and third child; her only daughter died less than a year ago. The choir sang Psalms 27, 46, 91. Then followed lesson read by B[rightman] ‘The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me etc.’ : the anthem ‘I know that my Redeemer liveth’ to Croft’s music: lesson ‘As the father raiseth up the dead’: anthem ‘I am the resurrection’: lesson ‘And I saw a new heaven’; anthem ‘I heard a voice from heaven’. Then L[ane] P[oole] – responses & prayers: the two last of B[rightman]’s own composing, and very excellent.”
(C.C.J. Webb, Diary entry, 16 June 1915)
“‘A new plan of attack’ in the Dardanelles said to be meeting with much success. The signs in that quarter seem generally good.”
“More good news from Dardanelles: no bad news from Western front.”
(C.C.J. Webb, Diary entries, 6 and 8 July 1915)
“An encouraging communiqué from Ian Hamilton in the Dardanelles.”
(C.C.J. Webb, Diary entry, 1 September 1915)
“The Dardanelles business has been in many ways ill managed. [Hogarth] had no proper maps […] Lawrence our late Senior Demy is now compiling good ones for us.”
“The public news not very good today: the complete evacuation of Gallipoli (marvellously accomplished with no more than one casualty) cannot but be sad to reflect upon – all those lives lost and no success obtained!”
(C.C.J. Webb, Diary entries, 3 October 1915 and 10 January 1916)
Porter, Alwyne Morton Francis Worsley 25.iv.1915
Romanes, Edmund Giles Radcliffe
Balfour, Isaac Bayley
Young, Eric Templeton
Irvine, Harold
Willoughby, Edwin Charles 8.viii.1915
Evans, Rees Tudor 10.viii.1915
Lockhart, Gerald Bevis 10.viii.1915