Western Front August-December 1914

German Occupation of Mons (© Imperial War Museum: Q 70072)
The First Battle of Mons (23 August–28 September 1914). Includes:
- the Retreat from Mons (23 August–6 September);
- the First Battle of the Marne (6–10 September): 12,733 British casualties, 250,000 French casualties, probably 250,000 German casualties;
- the First Battle of the Aisne (12–20 September 1914).
The First Battle of Ypres (12 October–22 November 1914). Includes:
- the Battle of Messines (12 October–2 November);
- the Battle of Armentières (13 October–2 November);
- the Battle of Ypres (19 November–22 November);
- the Battle of Langemarck (21–24 October);
- the Battle of Geluvard (29–31 October): c.58,155 British casualties, c.50,000 French casualties, c. 134,300 German casualties.
“One spent the day under the shadow of the European crisis.”
“We declared war on Germany before midnight yesterday … Greats list out: Edward Bridges and Hauer 1st; wrote to both. It was odd writing to Hauer, who is a German subject.”
“Here[,] not only New College but Balliol, Christ Church and Keble are turned into Territorial barracks.”
“The news from the seat of war was not good. The fall of Namur is an unexpected disaster.”
“The war news was on the whole reassuring.”
“The war news[,] so far as it went[,] was good.”
(C.C.J. Webb, Diary entries, 31 July, 6, 25, 26 and 27 August 1914)
“News full & reassuring. English gallantry against heavy odds has been great: the German advance has been heavily paid for.”
“The Allies have begun to take the offensive: & apparently with success.”
“[…] good news of the Allies, who have thrust back the Germans across the Marne”.
“The news from the front was good these two days and increasingly so. The retreat of the Germans on the right became something like a rout. […] Wounded arrived in Oxford today – 120 including 40 Germans.”
“News continues good from the front.”
(C.C.J. Webb, Diary entries, 7, 8, 9, 12–13 and 14 September 1914)
“It is a strange first Sunday in Michaelmas Term, with so few undergraduates about.”
(C.C.J. Webb Diary entry, 11 October 1914)
Heath, Percy Voltelin 4.ix.1914
Inigo-Jones, Henry Richmund 14.ix.1914
Houldsworth, William Gilbert 23.ix.1914
Mackenzie, Mark Kincaid 25.ix.1914
Turbutt, Gladwyn Maurice Revell 21.x.1914
McClure, Charles Russell 21.x.1914
Hartford, Hugh Irving St John 22.x.1914
Kelly, Edward Denis Festus 30.x.1914
Stadler, Ernst Maria Richard 30.x.1914
Macarthur-Onslow, Arthur William 5.xi.1914
Cadogan, Hon. William George Sydney 12.xi.1914
Loyd, Geoffrey Archibald 13.xi.1914