The Egypt/Palestine Campaign

Watering camels in the Wadi Neda; the road was constructed by the Royal Engineers
(©Imperial War Museum: Q 12877)
“Great British victory at Gaza: 20,000 Turks routed, 900 prisoners, including the general and the whole of his divisional staff.”
(C.C.J. Webb, Diary entry, 29 March 1917)
“Hogarth told me that Laurence [sic] (our late Senior Demy) was practically solely responsible for the late Arab action against the Turks. He went alone, knowing that the Turks had set a price on his head, into the midst of the Bedawin [sic], roused them to fight the Turks & headed them. He has been recommended for the Croix de Guerre & for the V.C. which Lloyd George & Sir W. [illegible name] are both anxious he should have”.
(C.C.J. Webb, Diary entry, 22 July 1917)
Blakeway, Revd Philip John Thomas
Russell, John Fox 6.xi.1917
Yeatman, Henry Farr 21.xi.1917
Bailey, Robert Neale Menteth 1.xii.1917
Hodgson, Charles Basil Mortimer 1.iv.1918
Crick, Walter Haliburton Routledge 9.iv.1918
Williams, William Humphrey [Wmffre] 3.v.1918
Helme, Thomas Herbert 3.xi.1918