The Western Front July–December 1915

British infantry marching through a village after the Battle of Loos
(© Imperial War Museum: Q 60734)
The Débâcle at Hooge Crater (30/31 July 1915): 890 British Casualties killed, wounded and missing.
The Battle of Loos (25–28 September and 13–18 October 1915): 50,000 British casualties, 25,000 German casualties.
The Battle involved three subsidiary actions:
- Piètre;
- Bois Grenier;
- the second action at Bellewaerde.
“The execrable murder of Miss Cavell at Brussels is perhaps the least excusable of all the German outrages, Quousque Domine?”
(C.C.J. Webb, Diary entry, 21/22 October 1915)
Carver, Frank Maitland 25.vii.1915
Pawle, Bertram 30.vii.1915
Renton, Harry Noel Leslie 30.vii.1915
Jones-Parry, John Jeffreys Bulkeley 30.vii.1915
Rawdon-Hastings, Edward Hugh Hastings 15.ix.1915
Monteith, William Neve 25.ix.1915
Smith, Hubert Hector 25.ix.1915
Goodyear, Kenneth Charles 28.ix.1915
Mills, The Hon. Charles Thomas 6.x.1915
Russell, Harley Raymond 13.x.1915
Moore, William Henry Helme 19.x.1915
Lambert, James Edward Downes 2.xi.1915
Halsey, Francis William 14.xi.1915
de Fontaine, Edward Harold 17.xi.1915
Steer, Gordon Pemberton 26.xii.1915